Before you arrive
- Prior to arrival guests will be able to speak with a member of the reservations team in order to confirm requirements and general suitability of Careys Manor Hotel and SenSpa
- You can contact us via telephone, email, or post
- Large print information and a confirmation letter is available on request
- Good bus and train links serve the local town of Brockenhurst
- The hotel is able to arrange collection from mainline rail/bus stations and accessible taxis are widely available
- Directions to the hotel can be found by clicking here
- Accessible parking and drop off area are available, assistance with luggage is also available
- Car park surface is gravel/tarmac
- The route from disabled parking has no steps and is lit
Entrance and Reception
- The main hotel entrance has steps
- The entrance from disabled parking has no steps but 1 door +1 automatic door
- The entrance is lit all times
- The entrance to SenSpa reception has no steps but a slight incline
- The reception floor is glossed wood and suitable for wheelchairs
- Seating is available in the reception area
- There is an accessible WC in the main hotel, SenSpa & Le Blaireau
(Please give us at least 72 hours notice for any modifications required to make your stay more comfortable)
- Bedroom furniture can be re-arranged on request
- Bedroom with non-allergenic bedding on request
- All rooms ensuite
- Bath with shower over
- Laundry service available
- More lightning options available in rooms on request (extra lamps available)
- All rooms have remote controlled TVs
- Internet access available in bedrooms
- All rooms have a telephone
- Tea and coffee making facilities in all rooms
- Mini-fridges available on request
- Patios not accessible by wheelchair (1 step to patio)
- Elephant feet available to raise the bed on request
- Bath board on request (subject to availability)
- Bath seat on request (subject to availability)
- Shower step on request (subject to availability)
- One Oakwood Garden room with a wet room
Public Areas
- Public toilet with baby change facilities
- Disabled toilet in the spa
- The bar, lounge and conference rooms are accessible by wheelchair
- Entrance to one or more bedrooms with no steps
- Corridors are lit all times
- Staircase to 1st and 2nd floor
- Lift via spa to 1st floor
- All restaurants are wheelchair accessible. Le Blaireau has no steps but some high thresholds.
- All restaurants can cater for special dietary requirements on prior request (Sugar-free, gluten-free, lactose-free, low potassium, low sodium, nut-free, additive-free, organic, vegetarian, vegan)
- Individual support is available for guests in all restaurants
- All meals can be cut up for ease of eating, food may also be pureed/thickened if needed in all restaurants
- We provide 24h in-room dining should you wish to eat from the comfort of your room
- Spa Reception – Access via the ramp to the spa reception
- Changing Room – there is a wheelchair accessible changing room on the first floor accessible by lift. The Ladies Changing Room is located on first floor accessed via two flights of 8 stairs each or via the lift and a corridor walk of approximately 100 feet and 3 stairs. The Gents Changing Room is located on first floor accessed via one flight of 8 stairs or via the lift and a corridor walk of approximately 100 feet and 11 stairs
- Massage / Facials – Ground floor treatment rooms are accessed via a ramp from spa reception. Massage couches can be hydraulically lowered to wheelchair height or lower. Please inform us when you book so that we can reserve an appropriate room and allow extra therapist time or arrange additional assistance. Alphasphere and Rhassoul is accessed via stairs on 2nd-floor hydrotherapy area.
- Manicures/Pedicures -Our manicure room is situated up several stairs which are inaccessible to wheelchairs and challenging for guests who struggle with stairs. Please advise our reservationist when you book so that we can reserve an appropriate room for you to have your manicure or pedicure.
- Swimming Pool – Accessed via spa reception on the ground floor. A hoist is available. Please give us prior notice so that trained staff are on hand to assemble the hoist and provide assistance.
- Hydrotherapy pool – On the ground floor in hydrotherapy hall and accessed via the swimming pool. Please give us prior notice so that trained staff are on hand to assemble the hoist if required and provide assistance
- Hydrotherapy sauna – Access on the ground floor in hydrotherapy hall
- Hydrotherapy steam – Access on the ground floor in hydrotherapy hall
- Experience Showers – Access on the ground floor in hydrotherapy hall
- Relaxation rooms – Access via the lift at Zen Garden
- Disabled Shower – Access via the lift at Zen Garden.
- Gymnasium – Access via the lift at Zen Garden
- Studio – Access via the lift at Zen Garden
- Facilities which are inaccessible with a wheelchair:
- Poolside sauna – We do not recommend this for wheelchair users as the passageway by the pool which accesses the sauna is rather narrow.
- Poolside steam room – We do not recommend this for wheelchair users as the passageway by the pool which accesses the steam room is rather narrow.
- Laconicum – No lift. The only access is via 19 stairs to the second floor hydrotherapy area.
- Tepidarium – No lift. The only access is via 19 stairs to the second floor hydrotherapy area.
- Rhassoul – No lift. The only access is via 19 stairs to the second floor hydrotherapy area.
- Hydrotherapy WC – No lift. The only access is via 19 stairs to the second floor hydrotherapy area.
If you have any mobility or other accessibility issues, please let us know in advance so that we can make you as comfortable as possible.
Grounds and Garden
- Gravel paths
- Front garden wheelchair accessible
- Small back garden wheelchair accessible
- Several areas throughout gardens have accessible seating areas
General Accessibility
- Staff on hand to assist 24 hours a day
- Emergency evacuation procedure for guests with disabilities (please notify on arrival if assistance on evacuation needed)
- Assistance dogs accepted on previous notice
- In accordance with legislation, smoking is not permitted in the hotel
- Mobile phone signal with most providers is strong in the area
- The fire alarm system is bells and sirens and does not have flashing lights. Assistance is given if evacuation is necessary
- The bells and sirens will ring continuously if evacuation is needed if you require assistance for evacuation please notify us on arrival