Corporate Events

Meet The Practitioner – Corporate Mind Chi Workshops

Vanda North's passion for Mind Chi began in 1972 whilst working as a school administrator. Tasked with helping to resolve the stress levels in education, a passion grew for simple, practical actions that make a profound and lasting, positive difference on a daily basis. Over 30 years later, Vanda's book 'Mind Chi, 8-minutes to re-wire your brain' is now available in 8 languages.

What is Mind Chi?

I practice Mind Chi as part of The Change Maker Group and we have recently introduced our ‘Change in 8’ programme which is based on the most recent research into how the brain works. It’s a unique 8-minute, or 8-step routine blending thought and action which can help manage the strain from stress and build resilience.

Mind Chi can really be applied to any habit you wish to change – this is when you truly feel the magic of it. Whether you’re hoping to overcome a problem or attain a goal, practicing Mind Chi for just 8 minutes a day can help you achieve this.

Our sessions are participative, interactive, and directly practical for individuals or teams. Our In8change’ programme enables any individual or team, in any business and at any level to understand challenges in a unique way and direct their energy for greater impact and success. Happy ‘side effects’ of this is a positive impact to the bottom line, increased resilience, and reduced burnout.It’s a joy to witness people feeling that they CAN, rather than CAN’T; and that they do have the strength to be resilient (a learnable skill, not innate).

What happens during a Mind Chi session?

A basic Mind Chi routine is made up of 4 segments and 8 steps. Segment one incorporates breathwork and mindfulness to prepare your mind and body for the following steps. The next segment looks at your ‘PAST’ performance over 24 hours, reviewing positive and negative experiences. The third segment looks at NOW and is of great importance – 
this is where you can experience (re)gaining control over yourself. The final segment gives you the ‘FUTURE’ you desire, thinking about how you would like to be, act, think and feel and practicing gratitude.

What would you say are the top 3 benefits of your sessions?

Everyone can benefit from Mind Chi, especially those already feeling the strain of stressors and who feel a need to regain control over a certain situation. I would say the top 3 benefits are:

  • They equip you with really simple coping strategies
  • Holding the reins of self-control
  • The offer you the power to change when you want

Do Your Practice Mind Chi Yourself?

I do practice what I preach, and have performed my 8-minute Mind Chi routine since 2006. Now, it is a habit like brushing my teeth!

My purpose on this planet is to help people have more joy in their lives – that is the ultimate goal.

As a person with dyslexia, I am also involved with processes to assist neurodiverse people to be as fulfilled as possible. I am learning and creating on this topic and currently crafting a way for neurodiverse children and individuals to be able to maximise their learning and life potential. Lots still to do – life is a great playground!



Are you looking for a corporate away day venue in the New Forest? Join us at Careys Manor for your next corporate event, and surround yourself with nature, fresh air and quiet – the most productive space to work, and a relaxing place to reset. Discover our new Corporate Wellness Packages today, which can include events mentioned in today’s blog from our partner Vanda North.



For more information on Vanda North and her work see here.

Vanda’s Book – Mind Chi, 8-minutes to re-wire your brain